What is AYP?
Advanced yoga practices (or AYP) is a spiritual system with deep meditation at its core. The second major part of AYP is a breathing technique called spinal breathing pranayama. The systematic application of these two has the potential to significantly improve our quality of life.
One aspect of this improvement, is the cultivation of inner silence by the practice of deep meditation. In time, we will find a sense of wholeness and unending joy within us. As a result, we will be much less affected by whatever circumstances we might find ourselves in.
Who invented AYP?
AYP started as a series of lessons being published on an online forum starting in 2003 by the anonymous American author ‘Yogani’. His aim was to create an open spiritual system, without being sectarian and secretive. Indeed, all the information needed for creating an effective practice is available online.
Yogani calls himself a spiritual scientist, having developed his system to be highly effective. He moves away from superstition, strict devotion to guru figures and religion as a prerequisite, while still drawing on millennia of spiritual knowledge.
It is worth noting that most of the first half of yogani’s main lessons is also available on Tristan Dorling’s website, with a more modern look. Tristan has been part of the AYP community for many years and regularly runs retreats. He also has been running the AYP teacher training courses the last couple of years.
Write me an email if you are interested learning meditation in Hamburg (Germany) or in Barcelona (Spain). We might start online, and if some people are interested we can organize a location.
I would also love to get in touch with other AYP practitioners in those areas.